European Union

A statement released on Saturday by the European Union (EU) observer mission in the Gambia said in its preliminary findings that Gambian legislative elections were held under the atmosphere of calm and peace.

"The highly contested National Assembly elections were held in a calm and peaceful atmosphere," the EU observer mission stated.

The Independent Electoral Commission enjoyed broad stakeholders' trust and, against budgetary and time constraints, delivered elections in a commendable manner, the EU mission added.

According to the EU, the tabulation of results was observed in all regional collation centers. The election day proceeded in an orderly manner, and knowledgeable polling station staff efficiently facilitated voting.

On April 6, observers drawn from EU member states, Norway and Switzerland observed the legislative election day proceedings in 222 polling stations across the country.

This is the first time that EU election observers were in the Gambia. The relationship between the EU and the former Jammeh regime was never pleasant.

Source: Xinhua