Benjamin Netanyahu

“The real incitement stems from Israel’s military occupation of Palestine and its enslavement of an entire nation. The Israeli hardline extremist government led by Benjamin Netanyahu is responsible for generating a culture of hate and racism in Israel, inciting violence and feeding extremism. Updated regularly, this report includes samples of recent derogatory and inflammatory comments and incitement by Israeli government officials specifically meant to distort reality and mislead public opinion.” says PLO Executive Committee Member Dr. Hanan Ashrawi.

The PLO Department of Culture and Information has just released its January 2017 incitement report, which collects “inflammatory” statements and comments from Israeli officials and leaders. These include the following:

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu:

“Jerusalem is the capital of Israel and it is proper that not only should the American embassy be here, but all embassies should come here, and I believe that over time most of them will indeed come here, to Jerusalem.”

“What I am prepared to give the Palestinians is not exactly a state with every authority but rather a ‘state-minus’ and the Palestinians therefore do not agree.”

Education Minister and Diaspora Affairs Minister Naftali Bennett:

“For the first time in 50 years, the prime minister can decide: either sovereignty or Palestine. The continuation of the Bar-Ilan/Palestine line will be a disaster for generations to come. We will work toward sovereignty.”

“It’s long due that all the embassies of the world come to Israel’s capital. Jerusalem has been the Jewish capital for just about 3,000 years. It’s recorded in history, it’s recorded in the Bible, it’s recorded in archaeology. Jerusalem has been Israel’s capital way before Paris was France’s capital and London was Britain’s capital and certainly before Washington was America’s capital. It’s wrong that the embassies are not here yet and I believe it would be a very important move for the US to move their embassy here.”

“East Jerusalem and Judea and Samaria, what many call the West Bank, are not occupied territory, in the sense that we didn’t take it away from any sovereign state. They were occupied by Jordan for 19 years illegally, and in 1967 we released them. We’ve been there for 50 years.”

Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked:

“I wish to say from this place that in ten days’ time all the excuses will be gone. We must build and build, develop Jerusalem as well as Judea and Samaria since it is our home. This is our right.”

Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Uri Ariel:

“…We are a sovereign state and not the 51st star on the American flag. We need to annex Maale Adumim because it is ours. The citizens living in Judea and Samaria deserve the same rights given to residents everywhere else in the country.”

Minister of Welfare and Social Services Haim Katz:

“Jerusalem first. Today I will propose at the security cabinet that we pass the ‘Greater Jerusalem Law’ that includes extending Israeli sovereignty to the surrounding communities of greater Jerusalem: Ma’ale Adumim, Givat Ze’ev, Beitar Illit and the Etzion Bloc, while joining them to the city of Jerusalem and strengthening it by adding territory and Jewish population.”

Science, Technology and Space Minister Ofir Akunis:

“Seventy countries gathered in Paris to support a Palestinian state. A hundred countries could have gathered there just the same. We will not give up or withdraw from our historical homeland—and we will not give it to the enemy so that it can establish another terrorist state.”

Deputy Foreign Minister Tzipi Hotovely:

“Jewish inhabitance of Judea and Samaria has deep and ancient roots. None of the agreements stipulated that Israel must stop building there. The focus on the settlements is morally wrong. Israel builds out of a veneration of the value of life and creation. The Palestinians, by contrast, venerate death and destruction.”

Settler Leader and Samaria Regional Council Head Yossi Dagan:

“The Israeli government should have continued building in Judea and Samaria during the Obama administration as well. They should not have allowed a building freeze.”

Source :PNN