Hussein Shobokshi the prominent columnist of "Al Sharq Al Awsat"

Hussein Shobokshi the prominent columnist of "Al Sharq Al Awsat" daily has lauded the Kingdom of Bahrain's prestigious position in the Arabian Gulf region, with its friendly, good-natured and generous people and peaceful co-existence among all religious sects and credos throughout the centuries.
In his opinion column published on Al Sharq Al Awsat daily, Shobokshi said Bahrain was the sum total of three thousand and five hundred years of civilization in the Arabian Gulf that produced exemplary merchants, teachers, physicians, engineers, bankers, artistes, poets, intellectuals, sportspeople and it was a spectacularly successful and attractive tourist destination. 
Unfortunately, suddenly and apparently out of nowhere, a snakehead showed up simultaneously with the beginning of Khomeini's sectarian regime assuming the rule in Iran. Since then, the Mullahs' dirty game began with the tune of "demanding to annex Bahrain," he wrote.
Tens of Teheran's military officials, parliamentarians and the media seemingly inadvertently issued statements and began to send provocative signals exploited by the pro-Tehran sectarian opposition in Bahrain inciting these sectarian elements to become part of the theocratic regime. This was followed by a violent blood path supported by criminals from Iran, including the Lebanese "Hasan Nassrallah" - aka Iran's Arabic-speaking megaphone in the region and the mercenary "Qassim Suleiman" the Iranian militiaman, according to the columnist.
Shobokshi added that the awful face of the violent extremist movement in Bahrain was depicted in the entirely sectarian "Ali Salman" who adopted the extremist line in support of the theocratic regime and justified violence acts. 
Fortunately, Bahrain has its peaceful civic face was represented by the Ministry of Culture and its efforts to boost the presence of the arts, culture, beauty and intellect in their most aesthetic form in the Kingdom of Bahrain and globally beyond.
The writer said Bahrain was gradually transformed into one of the attractive cultural destinations by hosting arts and cultural festivals exceeding Carthage, Jarash, Baalbek, Jubail and Aseela festivals all of which are very rich, historic festivals.
The writer wonder which of the two faces is the best: the hateful sectarian face that supports theocratic regime of Tehran represented in "Ali Salman" or the other urbane, tolerant, moderate, civic face.
Shobokshi urged everyone to expose the false claim of Iran against Bahrain the pearl of the Arabian Gulf and to counter the sectarian virus which tries to undermine Bahrain under the guise of a "peaceful opposition".
He also urged to support the urbane, aesthetic project spearheaded by Shaikha Mai bin Mohammed Al Khalifa aimed to obliterate the ugliness depicted by the other side.

Source: BNA