Speaker of the House, Nabih Berri, shone light during Wednesday's regular meeting with MPs at Ain-el-Tineh, on

Speaker of the House, Nabih Berri, shone light during Wednesday's regular meeting with MPs at Ain-el-Tineh, on "the organized Israeli attacks and violations of Lebanon's sovereignty," stressing on information and a report revealing the enemy's intention to build a wall along the borders and to sabotage Prophet Ibrahim shrine in Shebaa farms.

"Such attacks are considered a blatant violation of Lebanon and its sovereignty, and they entail a swift action before the international stances to put end to the breaches," Berri said during the meeting.

Moreover, the Speaker informed the lawmakers about the content of a classified report on the enemy's plan. According to him, the intended wall will be erected from a point in the Western Sector off Ras Naqoura till a point off Alma Shaab; in the Eastern Sector, the wall will extend from a point off Adaisseh to reach a point off Kfarkila.

"Even though the UNIFIL Commander had asked the Israeli side not to build any construction in the reserved areas, but the enemy's maps show that those points are indeed in Naqoura," Berri said.

On a different note, the Speaker reaffirmed that any bid regarding the energy dossier would be only Okayed by the tenders' authority." "This is conclusive

Source: NNA