The Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Friday issued a statement about the American Sudan

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Friday issued a statement about the American Sudan travel ban, warning US citizens against travelling to Darfur, Blue Nile and south Kordufan region, saying such warning goes against the actual situation, failed to come up with justification and comes in contradiction with the UN, AU and Arab league reports about the stability and security in Darfur and the two regions.
The Statement said the Ministry rejects the warning that failed to take into account the huge changes that occurred in the Sudan of recently.
It said the American warning contradicts the facts on the ground as the past period saw many visits to those regions including by the former American Special Envoy to the Sudan who paid field visits to each of Darfur, Blue Nile and South Kordufan regions. This, the statement said, was also followed by a visit by the UK envoy to the region of Darfur, and a third visit was conducted by the ambassadors of the European Union to the states of Darfur moving freely from one state to another until they covered them all. It also referred to the most recent visits by an American delegation to the area of Abyei, not to mention the many visits by delegations from different regions of the world to those areas, it argued.
The government of the Sudan, the statement stressed, is resolved to continue strongly with its policies seeking to cement peace and security in all regions of the country. It explained that the president of the republic has already declared a six month unilateral ceasefire and that the government of the Sudan has accepted the American proposal relative to the delivery of humanitarian aid to the two areas and the government is equally getting ready to form a new national accord government which is the outcome of the national dialogue that was observed in all areas of the country
Basing this travel ban on an allegation of terrorism in the Sudan, contradicts all the reports and statements made by the head of e American intelligence and senior American officials in which they expressed appreciation for the considerable efforts and the huge cooperation of the government to the Sudan in combating terrorism and violent extremism and its clear and outstanding role in preserving reginal peace and security, the foreign ministry statement argued.
The statement said the Sudanese security bodies stand ready and alert for protection of the security and stability of the homeland and provide full protection to all visitors from all parts of the world.
The statement said the Sudanese ministry of foreign affairs calls on its American counterpart to objectively assess the information upon which they based their negative travel ban warning, in line with the he positive spirit of dialogue of higher level between the official on both countries and which move forward to full normalization of relations between the two countries in serving the interests of the two peoples and to protect the international peace and security around the globe.

Source: SUNA