Today Foreign Secretary William Hague announced that the UK will host an international conference on Libya in on Tuesday 29 March London.  He said: “At the conference we will discuss the situation in Libya with our allies and partners and take stock of the implementation of UN Security Council Resolutions 1970 and 1973 (2011). We will consider the humanitarian needs of the Libyan people and identify ways to support the people of Libya in their aspirations for a better future. A wide and inclusive range of countries will be invited, particularly from the region. It is critical that the international community continues to take united and coordinated action in response to the unfolding crisis. The meeting will form a contact group of nations to take forward this work.” “Last night I spoke to Mr Mahmoud Jabril, Special Envoy of the Libyan Interim Transitional National Council to emphasise the UK’s serious concern about the Libyan regimes attacks on citizens and the international community’s determination to implement UNSCR 1973. We discussed progress in establishing a no fly zone as called for by the Arab League, and the steps being taken to avoid civilian casualties, including by aborting an air strike on Sunday evening. We agreed to remain in close contact.”