The GCC program for the reconstruction of Gaza, in cooperation with the Islamic Development Bank, has succeeded to rebuild hundreds of homes destroyed during the Israeli aggression on Gaza Strip in 2009. Eng. Refaat Diab, the program coordinator in the Strip, said that the GCC program is supporting the reconstruction of 1070 destroyed houses and the repair and rehabilitation of 1626 damaged houses by funding the housing projects through the Islamic development Bank in Jeddah. The first package of projects, which was signed in July 2010, were finished, Diab said. The projects included the repair and rehabilitation of 853 residential units of USD6.50 million by the UNRWA, the reconstruction of 50 residential units of USD1.82 million by al-Rahma Society for Relief and Development, as well as the reconstruction of 50 housing units of USD1.82 million by the Palestinian Housing Council, he noted. Diab said that the second package, which was signed in January 2011, is underway. It includes the provision of USD2 million for the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) for the reconstruction of 50 residential units, USD6.10 million for UNRWA for the restoration work 373 housing units for refugees, and USD 3.43 million of Al-Rahma Society and the Palestinian Housing Council for the reconstruction of 80 residential units. The third package was signed recently and includes the reconstruction of 194 destroyed housing units. Diab praised the considerable support of the GCC countries through the Islamic Development Bank for the reconstruction of Gaza Strip and the relief of those affected by the Israeli war and attacks.