A German business delegation to be led by Economics Minister Philipp Roesler will land on Wednesday in Libya to seek export orders from the new authorities after the ouster of leader Muammar Gaddafi. Roesler is to meet with the president of the Transitional National Council, Mustafa Abdel Jalil and other senior officials, his Berlin office said Tuesday. The delegation is to spend two days in Tripoli, according to German news agency (DPA). Germany has been perceived as having a disadvantage in post-uprising Libya after refusing to give military assistance to the rebel campaign against Gaddafi and abstaining in a UN Security Council resolution in March to impose a no-fly zone. Roesler aides said the talks would also cover humanitarian issues and quoted Roesler saying, \'\'German business can help and wants to help Libya\'\'s reconstruction.\'\' He is expected to urge Tripoli to let German companies quickly resume all their past Libyan operations.