MP and member of the Finance, Planning and Development Parliamentary Committee Slim Besbes said

MP and member of the Finance, Planning and Development Parliamentary Committee Slim Besbes said the government will publish a second ministerial decree related to the financing of self construction operations of the first social housing unit for the benefit of the middle class.


The social housing programme will be the focus of two ministerial decrees on the organisation of purchases from real estate companies and the operations of construction of the first social housing for the benefit of the middle class, he told TAP.


He added that Minister of Public Works, Housing and Spatial Planning Mohamed Salah Arfaoui had promised the Finance, Planning and Development Parliamentary Committee to generalise the list of real estate developers of the social housing programme after a meeting held last week attended by Finance Minister Lamia Zribi and Salah Arfaoui.


He further noted that the generalisation of the list of beneficiaries of this programme aims to widen the offer so as the list of developers concerned with this programme will be more open, adding that the committee had asked to generalise the beneficiaries of this programme following the publication by the ministry of a well-determined list.

According to him, the ministry said the goal is to ease the task to citizens through the identification of housing for purchase. It consists of a list set in collaboration with the National Committee Chamber of Real Estate Developers.

He stressed that the list of developers further caused controversy at the House of the Peoples’ Representatives (HPR) where MPs considered it as legal loophole.

MPs considered that the governmental decree organising the first social housing programme do not comply with the provisions of Article 61 of the 2017 Finance Law, as it does not state the possibility of financing construction.

source: TAP