A work meeting, chaired by Prime Minister Imad Khamis, was held on Wednesday to set the strategic pillars of the

A work meeting, chaired by Prime Minister Imad Khamis, was held on Wednesday to set the strategic pillars of the vital industrial sector.

During the meeting, Khamis called for developing the work maps for all the essential industries in the country showing the need of every industry of manpower, technical expertise and necessary legislation.

He pointed out to the importance of putting development indicators for the public industrial establishments that show the points of profit and loss, achievement rates and challenges faced in addition to the need for developing a strategic plan to develop the beneficial industries and modify the economic feasibility to invest losing companies.

Khamis asserted that the Boards of Directors of public establishments will bear the responsibility of profit and loss at their institutions as they will have flexible powers.

To improve the performance of the Ministry of Industry, the Prime Minister called for developing the work of the Ministry to suit the demands of the reconstruction phase.

He also hailed the role of the strong infrastructure of State’s institutions, which was able to withstand despite the systematic destruction, which emphasizes the need to develop the development structure.

In turn, Chairman of the General Federation of Trade Unions (GFTU) Jamal al-Qadiri stressed the need to speedup procedures of restoring the industrial sector and the direct development of some industrial companies.

For his part, Industry Minister Ahmad al-Hamo affirmed the Ministry’s efforts to invest all available energies in different sectors to increase the production.

Finance Minister Mamoun Hamdan, in turn, affirmed the importance of working and cooperating with different parties to resume production in all the companies that have been suspended, expressing readiness to grant operational loans with interest of 15 percent to help resume work in some suspended factories

Source: SANA