Tehran - Fars
Serajoddin Haqqani, the ringleader of the Haqqani network, dismissed media reports on the involvement of his organization in the assassination of the former Afghan President, Burhanuddin Rabbani.\"Haqqani network has not assassinated Burhanuddin Rabbani,\" Haqqani said in an audio tape sent to the BBC. \"The US and the NATO want to cover their failures in Afghanistan by accusing the Haqqani network of having relations with Pakistan\'s Inter-Services Intelligence agency (ISI),\" he said. Meantime, Haqqani claimed the responsibility for attacking the US embassy in Kabul, the NATO forces and other places in which the foreign forces are deployed. Rabbani, the head of Afghanistan\'s High Council of Peace, was killed when he was in a meeting with Taliban militants almost two weeks ago. During the meeting, one of the Taliban militants detonated his explosives that were reportedly concealed in his turban. Five senior Afghan officials, who were present in the gathering, were also killed in the explosion. Taliban has claimed responsibility for the attack.