President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has said history should be the foundation for the

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has said history should be the foundation for the Indonesian nation to look into the future, and to achieve the ideals of independence.

"We must make history as the foundation to look into the future. The very important lesson from our nations history is the freedom we can seize, we can achieve, we can proclaim because all the nations children are able to unite and work together," the head of state said in his speech during the Peoples Consultative Assembly (MPR) annual season here on Wednesday.

President Jokowi said that the strong capital of Indonesias unity must continue to be guarded, nurtured, strengthened; and should be a common ground in facing the next historical test of fulfilling the promises of independence. The promise of independence to realize the independent State of Indonesia, united, sovereign, just and prosperous.

In the future, according to the President, the Indonesian nation will face a heavy challenge in navigating the ocean of globalization, the dynamics of rapid change, and facing the progress of destructive technological innovation.

"But I am sure that united, we will be able to face all that, because our nation is a great nation, our nation is a tested nation, our nation is a fighter," said the President.

On the occasion, Jokowi also said that state institutions in the spirit of the unity of Indonesia, with cohesiveness, with synergy, by working together, will not weaken the constitutional duties and responsibilities run by each state agency, and it will strengthen us all in fulfilling the mandate of the people, he said.

In the spirit of unity, state institutions can work even better, if they remind each other, control each other, balance each other and complement each other.

"There is no state institution that has absolute power, and has greater power than other state institutions. This is the identity of our nation in a state. This is the power of our nation in a state," the president affirmed.

To that end, the head of state expressed his gratitude and appreciation to all state institutions, for their solidarity, synergy and good cooperation.(*)   Source : ANTARA