Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa.

His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa received, at the Al-Safriya Palace today, the President of the UN General Assembly (UNGA), Miroslav Lajcak, on a visit to the kingdom to participate in the World Entrepreneurs Investment Forum (WEIF 2017).
HM the King welcomed the UNGA President and his accompanying delegation, and praised their participation in such a prestigious global forum.
HM King Hamad lauded the advanced level of the Bahrain-UNGA cooperation and coordination in backing efforts to achieve sustainable development goals (SDGs), supporting entrepreneurship and boosting economic and investment growth.
HM the King stressed that Bahrain’s resourses, human competencies, advanced infrastructure and stimulating entrepreneurship and investment atmosphere have made it the best destination for investors and mega world companies in various fields.
HM King Hamad highlighted Bahrain’s leading achievements in linking SDGs with entrepreneurship and innovation, which, he said, entitled it to be a global role model that is emulated by most countries.
HM the King lauded the landmark contributions of the Bahraini women to the progress boom that has been witnessed by the kingdom for long decades.
HM King Hamad said that Bahrain welcomes all the participants in the World Entrepreneurs Investment Forum, who represent 90 countries, emphasising Bahrain’s keenness on providing an attractive economic environment that is supported by an advanced legislative system that ensures facilities, supports initiatives and attract local and foreign investments alike.
HM King Hamad stressed the importance of the role played by the UN to promote regional and global security, peace and stability, as well as to find solutions to various issues and problems, wishing the UNGA’s president every success in assuming his duties.
UNGA president lauded Bahrain’s investment and economic visions, as well as its leading regional role.
Lajcak also praised Bahraini women’s role, advancement and participation in various aspects of the political, economic and social development, as well as their achievements in all fields.

Source: BNA