Indonesia`s House Speaker Setya Novanto was taken into the detention house of anti-graft agency KPK Sunday

Indonesia`s House Speaker Setya Novanto was taken into the detention house of anti-graft agency KPK Sunday night.

He arrived at the KPK building at around 23.35 hours from RSCM hospital where he had been treated following a car incident wearing an orange jacket to show that he is a KPK detainee and was immediately taken in a wheelchair into KPK`s detention house.

He did not wave hands or said a word to reporters that have been waiting for him while being taken into the building.

RSCM director Soejono said based on the results of examination the health condition of Setya Novanto had improved and no longer needed to stay in the hospital.

Setya Novanto who is also the general chairman of Golkar Party, one of the country`s biggest political parties, has been put into detention for 20 days from November 17 to December 6 as a suspect in a corruption case connected to electronic identification card project.

KPK has several times failed to meet KPK summons for questioning as a witness or a suspect

Source: ANTARA