Red Cross of Serbia

The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) on Thursday launched a 2 million Swiss francs (1.8 million euros) emergency appeal to support the Red Cross of Serbia scale up its assistance to the thousands of refugees and vulnerable migrants travelling through Serbia.

The appeal will provide assistance to 20,580 children 294,000 adults (314,580 in total) along their journey from border to border, and throughout the country over the next seven months.

“Funds from the emergency appeal will ensure that we are able to continue our services – and increase them where necessary – to those in greatest need as they enter the country and travel to their next destination,” said Vesna Milenovic, Secretary General of the Red Cross of Serbia.

As many as 100,000 people have arrived in Serbia since the end of June, marking a sharp increase in arrivals from neighboring Former Yugoslav Republic (FYR) of Macedonia and Bulgaria. Up to 3,000 people now cross the border each day with the goal of reaching countries further north in the European Union.

The IFRC emergency appeal will enable the Red Cross of Serbia to focus its activities on food and cash voucher distribution, providing first aid, hygiene promotion and – in coordination with the International Committee of the Red Cross – helping to reconnect separated family members. The organization is also making additional provisions in case the humanitarian situation escalates.

The Red Cross of Serbia works to ensure the well-being, dignity and safety of vulnerable people travelling through the country, focusing its efforts in providing support to those in greatest needs. One of the main challenges is the unpredictability in the number people arriving at the country’s southern border with the FYR of Macedonia, as this depends on events that occur in neighboring countries.

“This Emergency Appeal may be revised accordingly to enable the National Society respond adequately to the critical and growing humanitarian needs of the migratory population in a situation which is continuously changing,” said Mette Petersen, IFRC head of country cluste,

Source: MENA