Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) is among world leaders who condemned

Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) is among world leaders who condemned Fridays deadly terrorist attack in Paris, France, where at least three terrorists took more than 100 hostages, before killing more than 150 innocent people.

Speaking to the press at Halim Perdanakusuma airport Saturday morning before leaving for Turkey to attend the G-20 summit, President Jokowi said he strongly condemned the terrorist attacks and violent acts in Paris.

"I express deep sorrow for the victims of terrorism and violence in Paris, and also to the government and the people of France," President Jokowi remarked.

France was rocked by multiple, near simultaneous attacks on entertainment sites around Paris on Friday evening that killed at least 150 people and hostages being held in a concert hall.

At least two explosions were heard near the Stade de France national stadium where a France-Germany friendly soccer match was being played, attended by President Francois Hollande.

After the attacks, Hollande declared a state of emergency and announced that he was closing the countrys borders.

Hollande, who had to be evacuated from the stadium when the bombs went off outside, said in a televised address that the nation would stand firm and united.

In the condolences conveyed by Jokowi shortly before his departure to Turkey, the president stated that terrorism, for any reason and in any form, cannot be tolerated.

"The government and people of Indonesia strongly condemned the violence and atrocities that occurred in Paris on Friday," the Head of State reiterated.

To that end, the Government of Indonesia called on all parties to strengthen international cooperation in the fight against terrorism.

Nobody has claimed responsibility for the attack, but world leaders have condemned the multiple terror attacks in Paris, as cities across the world boosted security in response to the killings.

Before flying to Turkey, President Jokowi told the newsmen that Indonesia urged the international community to wage war against terrorism.

Besides Jokowi, US President Barack Obama described the atrocities, in which at least 150 people died, as "an attack on all of humanity."

Obama said in an address at the White House that it was an attack not just on the people of France, but this was an attack on all of humanity and the universal values.

"We are going to do whatever it takes to work with the French people and with nations around the world to bring these terrorists to justice and to go after any terrorist networks that go after our people," Obama noted.

Singapores Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong expressed shock at the attacks in a Facebook post Saturday and said they make a planned discussion on terrorism at the G-20 meeting "more relevant and urgent than ever."

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi tweeted his condolences, while Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak wrote, "I am shocked with what happened in Paris, but we must remain united and undeterred in the war against terrorism."

Chinese President Xi Jinping sent a message of condolence to French President Francois Hollande to express strong condemnation of the attacks, the official Xinhua news agency reported.

Indonesian Foreign Affairs Ministry spokesman Arrmanatha Nasir, in a text message on Saturday, said until now there is no information about any Indonesian citizens falling victim to the deadly attacks in Paris.

"Until now there has been no information from the Embassy in Paris, but they continue to coordinate with the security authorities and local hospitals to ascertain whether or not Indonesian citizens have become victims," Nasir said.

In the meantime, Indonesian Police have made every effort to explore possible links to armed groups involved in the incident in Paris with terrorist networks in Indonesia. 

"We are coordinating to find out if there is any link with terrorist networks in Indonesia," National Police Chief General Badrodin Haiti said Saturday.

In the meantime, former Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) Chairman Din Syamsuddin said he strongly condemned the attacks against the civilians in Paris.

"Whatever the motive, whether religion, politics, social, the deadly attacks that claimed the lives of innocent people cannot be justified," Din said during the Interfaith Dialogue for Peace and Coexistence: Crucial Element to Achieve Sustainable Development Goals at Parliament building here on Saturday.

He was shocked to hear the news of the armed attacks and bombings that killed at least 150 people in Paris, he said, but added that he did not wish to speculate on the motive behind the incident.

"Let us wait for the results of the investigation by the French Government," he said, and added that the human tragedy in Paris should be a concern for the world community to fight against violence and terrorism.

According to ABC News, the Vatican has also condemned "in the most radical way" the terror attacks in Paris.

The Rev. Federico Lombardi said in a statement early Saturday that the violence was "an attack on peace for all humanity."

He said it requires "a decisive, supportive response on the part of all of us as we counter the spread of homicidal hatred in all of its forms."

Lombardi said the Vatican was praying for the victims and the wounded, "and for all the French people

Source: ANTARA