Palestine flag was flying next to the UN flag in the UN Headquarter, New York

The Government of Indonesia has condemned the shooting of Sheikh Ikrimah Sabri, imam of the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem, by the Israeli Police force in an attempt to disperse worshipers in front of the mosque.

"Indonesia condemns the shooting of the imam of Al-Aqsa Mosque," Spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Arrmanatha Nasir noted during a press briefing here on Thursday.

The incident occurred on Tuesday. Imam Sabri was wounded by a plastic bullet when Israeli soldiers moved to disperse the crowd that had gathered for a night prayer outside the main entrance to the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem.

Sabri was taken to a local hospital, and no information has been disclosed about his condition.

Israel has also been closing the Al-Aqsa Mosque and restricting Palestinian Muslims from praying in the third-holiest site of Islam.

Indonesia has condemned the act of the Israeli authority, as it has deprived the basic rights of all Muslims to conduct religious activities and participate in acts of worship in the mosque.

Hence, Indonesia has urged Israel to not alter the status quo at the Al-Aqsa complex.

Indonesian Minister of Foreign Affairs Retno Marsudi made a telephone call last night to her Jordanian counterpart to discuss the situation in Jerusalem. 

The foreign minister has expressed her concerns and urged member states of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation and states in the Middle East region to apply pressure on Israel in order to restore security and stability at the Al-Aqsa complex, Nasir added.
Source: ANTARA