Jakarta - Xinhua
Indonesian House of Representative on Monday urged the government to take \"hard diplomacy\" against Malaysia related to occupation of part of its territory in Kalimantan Island. Mahfud Siddik, speaker of Parliament\'s Commission I focusing on foreign affairs, police and military, told reporters that it was about time that Indonesia should leave soft diplomacy against Malaysia as such cases occurred repeatedly in the last several years. \"However, it doesn\'t mean that hard diplomacy is always translated into making war. We could just make war exercise in border area or conduct border patrol,\" said Siddik. Agus Gumiwang, a member of parliament, added that hard diplomacy could be done by withdrawing ambassador or boycotting Malaysian product. Siddik also said his institution would summon Foreign Minister Marty Natalegawa, Chief Military Agus Suhartono and Defense Minister Purnomo Yusgiantoro to seek explanation from the government. TB Hasanuddin, vice speaker of Commission I, said that the occupation by Malaysia caused the loss of about three square kilometers of land. Based on finding by Commision I last week, areas of Tanjung Datu and Camar Wulan in Kalimantan Island are occupied by Malaysia and the country has developed a national park.