The Indonesian Police will stay on alert by taking precautionary measures to tackle all forms of terror ahead of

The Indonesian Police will stay on alert by taking precautionary measures to tackle all forms of terror ahead of the New Year`s Eve celebrations despite officers having arrested some suspects, an official stated here, Tuesday.

Brig. Gen. Pol. M. Iqbal, the police`s spokesperson, remarked that the people need to raise awareness among those residing in their neighborhood in order to prevent any terror acts that may occur after the Christmas and New Year`s Eve celebrations on Dec 31 and Jan 1.

"We (the police officers) are strong with the support of the people," Iqbal stressed in Jakarta, Tuesday.

Hence, he called on the people to remain vigilant and aware of their surroundings, including those residing in their neighborhood.

The police spokesperson also urged all chiefs in residential areas to monitor the activities of members in their communities.

Iqbal further noted that Babinkamtibnas, or police officers assigned as advisors on security and public order in villages and sub-districts; the Babinsa, village supervisory officers; as well as the sub-district civil servants need to be more alert in monitoring the people.

"(Strict supervision needs to be conducted) in order to identify the suspects as early as possible. We should not allow terrorists to disguise themselves as our neighbors and hide near our homes," he noted.

Hence, he called on the clerks, teachers, and parents to remain vigilant of their surroundings.

In celebrating New Year`s Eve, the police`s spokesperson has called on the people to visit their families or offer prayers at home.

He urged the people, who are holidaying, to not engage in excessive alcohol consumption or conduct illegal activities, as police officers will take action against anyone found violating the law.

On Dec 22, the National Police had launched the "great candle" operation in a bid to maintain public order and prevent any terror acts during the Christmas and New Year`s Eve celebrations.

In Yogyakarta, the police have deployed 1,700 personnel to secure the festivities.

The police have also readied joint forces comprising military personnel, members of the public order agency (Satpol PP), and volunteers of some mass organizations.

Yogyakarta Police Chief Brig. Gen. Pol. Ahmad Dofiri noted that the officers had secured some 352 churches in the province.

Meanwhile, on a separate occasion, the National Police had also deployed more than 141 thousand officers, including 85 thousand police personnel and some 15 thousand military troops.

Source: ANTARA