Iran’s Ambassador and Permanent Envoy to the UNESCO, Mohammad-Reza Majidi, says the US has once more provoked Iranphobia, using “worn-out” tactics, which are known to all. “Under conditions when the US President Barack Obama, as the “President of Change”, led his way to the White House with lots of hope to rectify the wrong policies of his predecessors and address demands of majority of Americans, has now fallen into traps of lobbies and of the hubs of wealth and power alike his predecessors, thus further pushing the US into a weaker position on the national and international levels,” Majidi told IRNA here on Friday. Majidi said having suffered consecutive failures as a result of wars imposed on the people of Iraq and Afghanistan and the bloody military interventions in four corners of the world , the US is now trying to evade a domestic turmoil. He added that hence, to divert public opinion from its failures, the US has resorted to Iranphobia by raising the allegation of alleging Iran of plotting assassination of an ambassador of a country.