IRI Foreign Ministry spokesman reacted here Monday night to Russian RIA-Novesti news agency’s report on upcoming visit of Moscow’s permanent envoy to NATO from Iran, followed by his report to President Alexander Medvedev on Iran’s missiles program. According to the IRNA Monday Night News Team, Ramin Mehmanparast said, “Visit by Russia’s representative at the NATO Headquarters Dmitri Ragozin is in the framework of bilateral relations and keeping in mind the level of strategic and regional cooperation, and due to the interest expressed by the Russian side.”  He added, “Negotiations and exchange of ideas on regional and international developments between the Russian official and our country’s officials are in the agenda, but the visit is not exclusively meant anything in particular.”  Russia\'s ambassador to NATO announced on Friday plans to travel to Iran later this month to discuss its ballistic missile program and the US-led missile shield in Europe.  NATO\'s defense plan received a boost on Friday after Turkey joined the ambitious scheme.  Russia has agreed to cooperate on the plan, but warned it may strengthen its own defenses if it is not made a full partner in the US-led shield. \'I hope this mission to Tehran will be a fruitful one,\' Rogozin has added.