A prominent Iranian legislator dismissed the recent allegations raised by the US against Tehran, and said American officials who are blatant violators of human rights should pay attention to the settlement of their internal problems, rather than diverting the public opinion from the crises in the US.The accusations (raised against Iran) by those countries which are violators of human rights have no value for the public opinion,\" Tayebeh Safayee told FNA on Wednesday, in comments on the United States\' last week allegations that Iran had plotted to assassinate a Saudi envoy to Washington. \"The US officials whose hands are stained in the blood of innocent freedom-seeking people are ironically leveling terrorism accusations against other countries,\" she added. Safayee referred to the United States\' internal problems, and said American people are staging anti-capitalist protest rallies because they are tired of capitalism, but the US officials, in an irrational move, want to divert the public opinion from this crisis. In relevant remarks, Chairman of the Iranian parliament\'s National Security and Foreign Policy Commission Alaoddin Boroujerdi had also strongly rejected the US allegations that Iran plotted to assassinate a Saudi envoy to Washington, and said the US move is aimed at derailing the world public opinion from the Wall Street uprising. \"No doubt this is a new American-Zionist plot to divert the public opinion from the crisis Obama is grappling with,\" the senior MP told FNA last week. \"Today, the united States is witnessing a popular uprising called Wall Street protests which have targeted the hostile policies of that country\'s statesmen. Thus, Americans are seeking to derail the public opinion from the Wall Street uprising,\" he continued.