An Iranian MP, by referring to the US accusation against Iran on plotting to assassinate Saudi envoy in Washington, said the whole scenario is an attempt to deviate public opinion from internal problems and regional developments. Spokesman of Majlis Foreign Policy and National Security Commission Kazem Jalali said here on Tuesday evening that the new accusation of the US against Iran is a new game which has started after Americans\' fiasco in the region and victory of revolutions against the US henchmen in the Middle East and North Africa. He said the US aims to create a media wave to influence news about revolutions in this region. Referring to popular protests inside the USA, Jalali said that they want to break news waves of the protests and create a security atmosphere in the country. Another goal of disseminating such false news is to cover up committed crimes in Bahrain, Libya and Yemen, said Jalali adding that such new line of news would not be beneficial for the USA, because they have already constructed such scenarios. He advised the American officials that instead of creating such news waves, they had better try to solve internal problems and instead of spending people taxes in wars, spend it for the nation and stop supporting dictatorial governments.