Tehran - Fars
Iranian Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani in a meeting with his Syrian counterpart Mahmoud al-Abrash blasted the foreign countries for their meddling in Syria, saying that such interference will further complicate the situation in the Middle-Eastern country.\"The interference of certain western countries in Syria\'s internal affairs is reprehensible and will further complicate the conditions in the country,\" Larijani said on Sunday. \"Certain regional countries in which democracy is even lower than an acceptable level allow themselves to express interfering views about Syria,\" he added. Larijani expressed the hope that the reforms promised by Syrian President Bashar Assad would take place at the earliest. Syria has been experiencing unrest since mid-March with organized attacks by well-armed gangs against Syrian police forces and border guards being reported across the country. Hundreds of people, including members of the security forces, have been killed, when some protest rallies turned into armed clashes. The government blames outlaws, saboteurs, and armed terrorist groups for the deaths, stressing that the unrest is being orchestrated from abroad. Syrian state television has broadcast reports showing seized weapons caches and confessions by terrorist elements describing how they obtained arms from foreign sources. In confessions broadcast on the Syrian TV earlier this month, a captured terrorist revealed the tactics used by armed terrorist groups to stir tension in Syria and the role played by the foreign elements in Syrian unrests. The terrorist, Ammar Ziyad al-Najjar, confessed that he received foreign aid and instructions from contacts in Saudi Arabia and Jordan to deface Damascus. Al-Najjar stated that he was involved in a group that received instructions on how to kidnap people and blame it on the Syrian government. The man also confessed to, among other crimes, purchasing firearms and distributing them among outlaws. He also recounted how groups of outsiders, many of whom not Syrians, showed up during the attacks on police stations in Hama. Najjar said the men would distribute food and drink to demonstrators, sometimes slipping money into the food to encourage protests and adding stimulant powders at other times.There was another type of pills that made people more aggressive - pills that were given openly to members of the foreign-backed terror squads, he explained.