Irish Prime Minister Enda Kenny

Ireland offered Sweden its solidarity and support on Friday following what the Swedish government said appeared to be a terrorist attack in Stockholm.

In a statement, Irish Prime Minister Enda Kenny said: "We stand with Sweden, and the rest of Europe, in united determination that our values will not be defeated," Kenny said.

"The cowards who perpetrated this attack place no value on our freedom and way of life here in Europe and their view has no place in our society," the Irish prime minister said.

Meanwhile, Irish Foreign Minister Charlie Flanagan said he was shocked and saddened by the incident in Stockholm that resulted in a number of fatalities.

"I wish to offer my sincere condolences to the families and loved ones of those killed and injured in this horrific incident," he said.

Earlier on Friday, a truck drove into a crowd on a busy shopping street before crashing into a department store in central Stockholm, killing at least four people and wounding many others in what Swedish officials said was likely a terrorist attack.

The incident came just two weeks after a man drove onto the pavement of the crowded Westminster Bridge in London, killing four, and then stabbed a policeman to death before being shot dead by police.

The recent attacks in main European capitals recall the Nice attack last summer when a man drove a heavy truck into crowds on Bastille Day, killing 86 people. The Islamic State claimed responsibility for the attack.

Source: Xinhua