The Islamic Educational, Scientific

The Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO) condemned the United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund (UNICEF) for funding the Houthi rebels with a thousand tons of paper to print new curriculums which were changed by the group to reflect its sectarian orientation, and were distributed in the various Yemeni provinces controlled by its militias.
ISESCO said in a statement that the changed curriculums are for three levels of the elementary stage - the fourth, fifth and sixth.This action is contrary to the position of the United Nations, which recognizes the legitimate government of Yemen which is recognized by the international community, and represents an encouragement to the illegal rebel militia, ISESCO added. 
ISESCO called on Member States "to denounce this immoral and illegal act and to demand UNICEF to respect and not to violate the legitimate state in Yemen". 

Source: QNA