Israeli forces Monday overnight detained 19 Palestinians, including two minors, and summoned two others from

Israeli forces Monday overnight detained 19 Palestinians, including two minors, and summoned two others from a number of West Bank districts, said security sources.
Eight Palestinians were detained from Hebron, six others from Nablus, three others from Jerusalem, another from Bethlehem and another from Jenin.
Forces raided al-Arub refugee camp, north of Hebron, where they detained five Palestinians after breaking into and ransacking their family houses.

The detainees were identified as Izz Khaled, 19, Wajdi Ash-Sharif, 22, Izziddin Abu-Sel, 18, Imad Abu-Sel, 18, and Yahya Abu-Muheisen, 17.

Forces also detained a Palestinian during a predawn raid into al-Fawwar refugee camp, south of Hebron. The detainee was identified as Abed al-Mahsiri.

Another Palestinian identified as Sami Halayqa, 35, was detained during a predawn raid into Ash-Shuyukh town, northeast of Hebron.

Another Palestinian identified as Ahmad Hanatsha, 17, was detained from Kharsa village, south of Hebron.

Meanwhile, forces detained six Palestinians and ransacked many houses across the northern West Bank district of Nablus.

Forces detained Malek Ishtayyeh, 23, and stormed seven houses during a predawn raid into Tell village, west of Nablus city.

During the raid, they stormed and ransacked the contents of the family houses of Omar al-Hindi, Abdullah Silwadi, Issa al-Saifi, Tahsin Ramadan, Ahmad al-Saifi, Radwan Ramadan and Ashraf al-Saifi. 

They also stormed the family houses of Suhayb Ramadan, a Customs Police officer, and Odai al-Saifi, a National Security Forces officer, seeking to detain them. 

Another Palestinian was detained during a predawn raid into Beit Iba village, west of Nablus. He was identified as Dhurar Thaher. 

Furthermore, soldiers stationed at Allenby border crossing, between the West Bank and Jordan, also detained Khaled Dawabsheh, 40, while en route from Jordan to his hometown of Duma.

This came several hours after three Palestinians from the Nablus village of Beit Furiq were detained from Israel purportedly for lack of entry permits.

They were identified as Yusef Nasasra, 19, Hasan Nasasra, 22, and Dheyab Nasasra, 23. 

Meanwhile in Jerusalem, forces detained three Palestinians after breaking into and ransacking their family houses in Qatanna town, northwest of the city.

The detainees were identified as Mustafa al-Faqih, Mahdi al-Faqih and Muhammad al-Faqih.

In Bethlehem district, a Palestinian was detained and two others were summoned during predawn raids across the southern West Bank district. 

Forces detained Ibrahim Sharuf, 36, during a predawn raid into the Bethlehem neighborhood of as-Saff.

They also handed Fadi al-Adawin and Akram al-Barbari, 37, from al-Aza refugee camp, north of Bethlehem city, notices ordering them to appear before intelligence in Gush Etzion detention and interrogation center.

In the meantime, forces re-detained Muhammad As-Suqi, 36, after storming and ransacking his family house in the Jenin neighborhood of Marah.

Source: BNA