Israel's army

 Israel struck three Syrian military positions in the country's southern province of Quanitera on Friday, pro-government Sham FM radio reported.
The first strike, fired from the Israeli-controlled Golan Heights, hit a Syrian artillery in the Khan Arnabeh area in Qunaitera, said the statement.
The second attack, it said, was carried out by a drone that targeted military positions in the Samadaniyeh area, and the third attack by two rockets slammed the city of Baath.
The report noted that the attacks left damages, but with no casualties reported so far.
As for the reason behind the attack, the report speculated that it was in response to stray mortar shells landing in the Golan Heights.
Israel's army said on early Friday that two projectiles were launched from Syria and hit the northern Golan Heights.
Errant fire from the six-year fighting in Syria has occasionally been spilling over to Israel, usually causing no casualties or damage. Israel often retaliates by airstrikes.
Israel had repeatedly declared it would not intervene in the internal fighting in Syria.
But it is widely believed to carry out airstrikes at weapon shipments and have been providing medical treatment to hundreds of wounded Syrians who reached the border.

Source: Xinhua