Israeli aircraft targeted a Hamas facility in the northern Gaza Strip

Israeli aircraft targeted a Hamas facility in the northern Gaza Strip early Monday, hours after two rockets fired from the Palestinian enclave struck southern Israel, the army said.
“In response to the rockets launched toward southern Israel, IAF (Israel air force) aircraft targeted a Hamas training compound in the northern Gaza Strip,” a statement from the military said. “In the compound three structures and other terror infrastructure were targeted.”
There were no reports of injuries from the health ministry in Gaza.
On Sunday night, two projectiles fired from Gaza hit southern Israel, one damaging a home in a border town.
Another projectile flew short of its target and hit Gaza, the army said.
The Sunday attacks ended a three-day lull in the latest wave of rocket fire amid anger over US President Donald Trump’s December 6 recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.
Militants in the Palestinian enclave have fired both rockets and mortar rounds into Israel since Trump’s deeply controversial announcement.
Trump’s announcement was followed by protests across the Palestinian territories, with six Gazans killed — four in clashes with Israeli forces along the border and two Hamas militants in an Israeli air strike in retaliation for rocket fire.
The rockets are often fired by small Islamist groups but Israel holds Gaza’s rulers Hamas responsible for any attacks from the territory.
“The IDF (Israel defense forces) holds the Hamas terror organization accountable for this hostile act originating from the Gaza Strip,” the Monday statement from the military read.
