Jeremy Corbyn is to offer a free vote to MPs on David Cameron's proposals for UK to bomb Isis in Syria but will

Jeremy Corbyn is to offer a free vote to MPs on David Cameron's proposals for UK to bomb Isis in Syria but will make it clear that Labour party policy is to oppose airstrikes. The Labour leader will also press Cameron to delay the vote until Labour's concerns about the justification for the bombing are addressed, as part of a deal he has thrashed out with the deputy leader, Tom Watson, and other senior members of the shadow cabinet over the weekend. His decision averts the threat of a mass shadow cabinet walkout, while making it clear that his own firmly held opposition to airstrikes is officialLabour party policy, backed by the membership. It will also create a dilemma for Downing Street about whether to press ahead with the vote this week, because undecided Labour MPs are likely to be tempted to back Corbyn's call for a longer timetable. Cameron has been expected to try for a vote on Wednesday but he has said he will not do so unless he is sure there is a clear majority in favour of strikes. It is understood there has been no discussion with No 10 about Labour's proposals to put off the vote. Corbyn has written to the prime minister asking for further details of the Cameron plan and a commitment to stage a two-day debate. Corbyn wrote to Cameron: "As of this morning, we have not had a clear proposal from the government on when you plan to bring forward a motion to the house on airstrikes in Syria or on arrangements for the debate. "In the view of the opposition on a matter of such critical importance there must be full and adequate time for any debate in the house and only a full two-day debate would ensure time for all members who wish to participate to be able to do so. "As has happened previously, a one-day debate would inevitably lead to important contributions being curtailed. It is incumbent on us all to ensure the country feels there has been the fullest parliamentary discussion of what you have rightly described as a highly complex situation. "In addition, the debate would be much better informed by views from the foreign affairs and defence select committees following your recent statements." The Labour deal was brokered over the weekend and on Monday morning between the leader's office and the deputy leader, Tom Watson. Cameron is due to visit Bulgaria this Thursday for critical talks on his plan to renegotiate the terms of UK membership of the European Union. Tory MPs said they were still expecting the vote to be called on Wednesday, despite Corbyn's efforts to get it delayed. However, one senior Labour source, who is not in Corbyn's camp, said Labour MPs seemed to have become more wary of backing military action over the weekend for fear of "marking their card" and getting singled out as targets for possible deselection by activists. Even though Corbyn is allowing a free vote, Labour MPs will still be defying their party's official position if they back Cameron's motion. The Labour leader's decision will be communicated to the whole party at a meeting of MPs and peers at 6pm on Monday. Corbyn will stress with the agreement of Watson that the preconditions for current party policy to support airstrikes have not been met. Those preconditions include unambiguous support for airstrikes from the United Nations, clear support of regional partners, a comprehensive humanitarian plan and a commitment that airstrikes only target Isis and that any strikes are subordinate to any diplomatic efforts to stop the war. Corbyn went into the shadow cabinet meeting armed with polling of a sample of members who responded to an email asking for their views, which showed 75% of 1,900 people were against Cameron's proposals. He has also canvassed the views of Labour's national executive committee, while members of the grassroots Momentum group of Corbyn supporters have urged people to lobby their MPs against airstrikes

Source: NNA