
Kenya on Monday deployed security personnel to guard the venue of Independence Day celebrations in Nairobi and across the country to thwart off terror and criminal incidences.

Nairobi Regional Coordinator Ann Nge'tich told journalists in Nairobi that the government has put in place adequate security measures to arrest terror suspects and criminals who might take advantage of the celebrations.

Nge'tich said security forces will be on standby to ensure law and order is maintained during cerebration to mark 53 years after Kenyan attained independence.

"We have mobilized all security agencies to enhance safety at the venue of Independence Day celebrations. The government has a duty to ensure all citizens feel safe and secure as we mark a critical milestone in the nation's history," she said.

President Uhuru Kenyatta will address the public and dignitaries invited including Togolese President Faure Gnassingbe who is the special guest during the commemoration.

Nge'tich said the government has enhanced patrols and are conducting intelligence operations in targeted parts of the city.

"I want to assure all residents and visitors that security has been enhanced on a 24/7 basis as we celebrate this year's Jamhuri Day on Monday and indeed throughout the remaining days of the year 2016," she said on Sunday evening.

A senior security official told Xinhua on Monday that the government has made elaborate plans to ensure there would be no security lapses during the national fete to be celebrated across the 47 counties.

"We are alive to the fact that Nairobi and other parts of the country have suffered from a spate of terror attacks and have put deterrent measures in place. All persons and vehicles accessing the stadium in Nairobi and all venues where celebrations will take place will undergo thorough security checks," the security official said.

The country has been subjected to successive explosives attacks by Al-Shabaab operatives in the country following the onslaught by Kenyan soldiers on the Al-Shabaab in Somalia after the militia staged a series of attacks along the Kenyan coast.

Nge'tich urged Kenyans to showcase their patriotism and nationalism by coming out in large numbers to celebrate the national holiday.

"This is the perfect convergence of what unites our common history, nationhood, and the presidency," said Nge'tich, adding that the theme of this year's celebration is "Patriotism, Unity and Peace".

Senior government officials, diplomats and members of the public will attend the national fete in Nairobi.

source: Xinhua