friendship between Pakistan and China

Appreciating the all weather friendship between Pakistan and China, Foreign Minister Khawaja Muhammad Asif said these relations were founded in the principles of mutual-trust, equality, non-interference, harmonious co-existence and win-win cooperation based on common agenda of socio-economic development.
In a meeting with Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi on Friday in Beijing,
Khawaja Asif expressed great satisfaction in the spirit of mutual support to each other on the issues of their vital national interest, a message received here said.
The two leaders discussing the strengthening of bilateral relations and
the prevailing regional situation, emphasized that CPEC offered a unique opportunity for the two countries to integrate with regional trading routes. The foreign ministers reaffirmed mutual commitment of both governments to continue effective implementation of the projects under this initiative.
Foreign Minister Wang Yi reiterated China’s consistent support to
Pakistan’s sovereignty, territorial integrity, stability and development. Lauding Pakistan’s remarkable achievements in counter-terrorism, he stated that Pakistan had been at the forefront of international efforts to combat terrorism for a long time, which the international community should recognize and appreciate.
The two foreign ministers also exchanged views on issues of peace and
stability in the region, particularly in the context of President Trump’s South Asia review focusing on its policy in Afghanistan. They agreed that there was no military solution to the conflict in Afghanistan and there was need for continued efforts for a politically negotiated settlement under an Afghan-led Afghan-owned peace process.
They also agreed to continue to work together bilaterally as well as
through trilateral forum for promoting peace, stability and development in Afghanistan and the region. In this regard, Pakistan reiterated support for China’s offer to host the first trilateral meeting of Foreign Ministers of Pakistan, China and Afghanistan later this year.
This was the first visit of Foreign Minister Khwaja Muhammad Asif to
China after assuming his office last month. During the visit, he also called on the head of commission for political and legal affairs of CPC central committee, Meng Jianzhu and State Counsellor Yang Jiechi.

Source: APP