Amal Deputy of the House Ali Khreis, opened up in a unique gesture to Hariri-led opposition when he extended a hand of friendship to them saying Berri\'s movement is ready for opening a new page of dialogue. Speaking at the behest of the Speaker at Mousa Sadr\'s third Gathering at the southern Lebanese Tyr-based Basel Asad Cultural Center in presence of Justice minister Qortbawi, he proposed a new round of talks with Hariri {without naming him} He however reiterated Hizbullah\'s position that party arms were here to stay. He predicated any withdrawal of Hizbullah weapons on the ability of securing a viable national defense against securing a clear deterrence capability. Knowingly, enough according to his logic and, as this could not be established any such talk of party disarming, would be tantamount to playing with fire and playing a tune to the country\'s death. Aldo taking the word, Justice Minister Qortbawi preconditioned national unity on the ability of the Lebanese to go to the melting pot amid a clear will for peaceful coexistence.