Kurdistan is an inseparable part of Iraq, Head of the political bureau of the Iraqi Kurdistan\'s Democrat Party Fazel Mirani said in reaction to the recent remarks of another Kurd politician who had called for the separation of Kurdistan from Iraq.\"Kurds play a fundamental role in the management of Iraq and we are an inseparable part of Iraq\'s body,\" Mirani said. \"Kurds hold a positive view about the entire Iraq and we pay attention to the entire country as much as we care for Kurdistan,\" he reiterated. The deputy secretary-general of Kurdistan\'s Patriotic Union party, Kousrat Rassoul, had earlier called for the separation of the Kurdistan region from Iraq, saying, \"Now is the best time for Kurdistan\'s independence from Iraq.\" Many members of Iraq\'s parliament have condemned Rassoul\'s remarks and stressed the oneness and integrity of the country.