Paris - kuna
Kuwait has affirmed \"legitimacy\" of Palestine\'s joining of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) although its membership at the United Nations has so far remained controversial. Adoption of UNESCO\'S Executive Council of the membership of Palestine is in line with regulations of the organization, thus there is no need for awaiting a final decision regarding its membership at the UN, said Ali Al-Tarrah, Kuwait\'s Permanent Delegate at the organization, in a statement to KUNA. Elaborating, he said during the 187th session of the board, a draft resolution was presented by 24 states, including non-Arab nations, requesting that Palestine be granted membership in the organization. Multi-track negotiations were held among various member states of the organization, and following consultations with the members of the 58-state council, the draft resolution was put for voting last Wednesday. It won approval of 40 states, with four opponents, and abstention of 14 others, thus it passed, the Kuwaiti delegate said, adding that it was blessed by the board, pending submission to the general convention of the organization, due on the 25th of this month. Granting membership to the State of Palestine came after a long period of time waiting, and its win of such massive support affirmed the principle of justice, he added. Such a stance reflected unanimous stance of the Arab and foreign nations as to the right of Palestine to seek this membership, and this would pave the way for strengthening global peace and culture, as propagated by the UNESCO, Al-Tarrah added. The State of Kuwait support for the Palestine membership is is harmony with its foreign policy, he said, noting that the Gulf country had hosted the Palestine Liberation Organization since its establishment, he added, re-affirming Kuwait\'s ardent support for global peace.