IRI Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani said here Monday in a meeting with Head of Hamas Political Office Khalid Mash’al defending Palestinian resistance and rights against usurper Zionists’ policies is among fundamental foreign policies of Iran. Appreciating the presence of representatives of various Palestinian groups by the side of the political, scientific, and cultural personalities form around the globe at the Tehran Conference to Support the Intifada of the Palestinian Nation, he said that achieving the full and real rights of the Palestinian nation calls for strengthening the resistance movement more than ever before.  He added, “The main goal of the entire efforts and moves made is achieving the Palestinians’ ideals through strengthening the resistance option against the Zionists’ plots and those of the other foreign enemies.”  IRAN’S STANDS ON PALESTINE ALWAYS BASIC In the meeting Khalid Mash’al, too, appreciating the Islamic Republic for sponsoring the Tehran Conference to Support the Intifada of the Palestinian Nation as an appropriate and very important move, said, “Under the current conditions when the Palestinian nation is in need of support this move was both very important and very spectacular.”  The top Hamas official emphasized, “The Islamic Republic of Iran has always had basic and logical stand on Palestine issue.”  He said that emphasizing over the resistance issue is the shared point among the entire Palestinian individuals, appreciating Iran’s comprehensive support for Palestine resistance nucleus against the Zionist usurper regime.