Bern - Irna
IRI Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani said here Monday latest US scenario against Iran is a childish game, adding that US officials’ resorting to such cheap games is actually insulting the American public intelligence. Larijani who is in Bern to participate at the 125th Session of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) also criticized Washington at a press conference for its many decades of supporting the dictators around the globe. He added that the US officials today, too, are not as great as their country, or their nation, since otherwise they would not have resorted to such cheap scenarios. Ruling out some claims that he would in his Monday night meeting with the Swiss President talk about the new US accusation brought up against Iran, he said, “The US officials’ claim is so cheap that they themselves have not yet realized at what a low position it has placed them.” The Iranian Islamic Parliament, Majlis, speaker said that the US officials’ expectation was getting involved in a great game this time, adding, “According to the US officials, a narcotic drug cartel which has huge benefits from its illegal trade has got involved in cheap and troublesome terrorist activity, which is historically unprecedented.” Larijani referring to some differences of opinion between Tehran and Washington, said, “The Americans had during the past decades been serious supporters of dictators, for instance.” He added, “The Islamic Republic of Iran’s support for the democracy-seeking movements, therefore, has enraged the American politicians.” The Americans with their mistakes in Yemen and in Bahrain caused the emergence of lots of aggression in those countries, and great loss of life there, he argued. The Iranian MP reminded the reporters of the former US secretary of defense Collin Powel’s remarks at the US Congress when he said, “We are sure there are weapons of mass destruction in Iraq and Saddam has hidden them there arguing that that claim was enough for the Bush administration to occupy Iraq, which led to lots of bloodshed and serious violations of the human rights there. Larijani added, “After the occupation of Iraq, though, it was proved to the world nations that there were no weapons of mass destruction in that country, and that it was merely a pretext for occupying Iraq.”