The Mexican government on Tuesday expressed its "profound regret" following the Trump administration’s decision

The Mexican government on Tuesday expressed its "profound regret" following the Trump administration’s decision to end the DACA program that shielded hundreds of thousands of young men and women living in the United States from deportation. 

The great majority of the estimated 800,000 "Dreamers" are Mexican nationals who were brought to the United States as minors. 

Mexico will welcome "with open arms" those DACA beneficiaries who return to Mexico, the Mexican Foreign Ministry said in a statement. 

While acknowledging that U.S. immigration policy is "exclusively" determined in the United States, the Foreign Ministry noted that "our country cannot ignore the fact that there are thousands of young people born in Mexico who may be affected by the decision announced today." 

The Mexican government called on U.S. authorities "to find a quick resolution to the legal uncertainty that as of today confronts the young DACA" beneficiaries. 

Geronimo Gutierrez, the Mexican ambassador to Washington, has sent letters to U.S. senators and congressional representatives highlighting the value of the young DACA recipients and urging a resolution that "brings them legal certainty," the Foreign Ministry said. 

Making use of its 50 consulates in the United States, Mexico vowed to "re-double its efforts to guarantee the broadest consular protection" to those affected. 

"Mexico will receive with open arms the young Dreamers who return to Mexico," the Foreign Ministry said, outlining various aid initiatives "to integrate them completely in the society and national economy." 

On Saturday, Mexican President Enrique Peٌa Nieto had addressed DACA and Dreamers during his annual State of the Union address. "To all of you, young Dreamers, our great recognition, admiration and solidarity without reservations," he said

Source: NNA