Prime Minister Nrendra Modi with Defence Minister Manohar Parrikar

Promising to make Goa the "most comfortable" state, Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Saturday sought a comfortable majority for BJP in the February 4 polls as he dared Congress and Aam Aadmi Party to fight on development plank instead of raking up minor issues like election dates and advancement of the Union Budget.

Addressing his first rally in the west Indian state of Goa since the announcement of Assembly polls here, Modi also referred to the surgical strikes carried out by the army across the Line of Control in September last year while showering praise on Defence Minister Manohar Parrikar, the former chief minister from this state. 

"This election is to free Goa from the disease of political instability. During the decade of 1990s, Goa saw as many as 12 chief ministers and this has pushed behind all the achievements of Goa," he said.

"Goa should not commit the mistake of ushering in instability. It should give BJP a comfortable majority. I assure you that if you give us a comfortable majority, we will make Goa the most comfortable state," he said.

Lamenting the trend of "vote-cutting" by some in elections, Modi cautioned the voters, saying, "these are the people who cut into the pockets of democracy. They are pick- pockets of democracy and they can never think of helping anyone as they try to show democracy down and attempt to weaken it."

Daring the opposition to contest polls on development plank, the prime minister said it pained him to see parties running away from a debate on the issue. He said some parties have already conceded defeat and started finding excuses, an apparent dig at Congress and AAP for raking up issues like fixing of poll dates and advancement of Union Budget. While attacking Congress and AAP, he asked people not to fall into their trap as he wanted to do all that has not been done in the last 50 years and help fill Goa with tourists from across the world.

In an apparent attack on AAP for questioning the Election Commission over fixing poll dates, he accused it of not having faith in the "umpire" and said it has already conceded defeat and was finding excuses. He alleged that an attempt is being made to lower the values of democracy and some people took pride in doing so.

Taking a dig at opposition, the prime minister said some parties were working hard to find faults with the Union Budget, to be presented on February 1, in their bid to send a negative message to voters in poll-bound states of Goa, Punjab, Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand and Manipur for their electoral gains.

"They have started working and are drafting things by inviting economists and experts to find faults with the budget. This is not a good thought for democracy. Some people who see defeat, are trying to create an atmosphere," he said, making a comparison to a weak child who anticipates failure in examinations.

Modi also claimed that the world has seen a government in Delhi that works with confidence and has the guts to take bold decisions. In this context, he referred to the surgical strikes and said discussions are still being held as to how it happened.

He said he has launched a campaign against corruption in and that his government will continue to pursue honestly the efforts to free the country from this scourge as well as poverty as the steps taken would not be for political gains. Some people feel insecure, Modi said.

Exhorting people to vote for BJP, he said, "Goa people have seen the Congress misrule. Like the sensible people of the country are rejecting Congress, Goa's voters, who are very sensible, will also reject the party. I have full confidence."

On development plank, he said, "One can have political differences, but it pains when political parties run away from debating the development issue, on which elections should normally be fought as only then will there can a change in the lives of common people be brought about."

In an apparent attack on AAP, Modi recalled how "a party" had raised questions on the poll dates and accused the PMO of exerting pressure on EC for announcing simultaneous polls for Goa and Punjab at first.

"This shows that they are preparing for defeat and they are finding excuses. If you don't have faith in the umpire, then why do you come out openly. It is a democracy and in it, we have to respect the system and work towards strengthening it. If you break it, then the faith of the common man will be shattered," he said.

Contending that demonetisation had not affected tourism in Goa, he said it has instead increased since Diwali and this he claimed has come about with good infrastructure developed by the state government and easing of visa norms by the central government.

"I can say with confidence that what all central governments have given to Goa in last 50 years, our government has given more help than that to Goa in the last 25 months. While on one side is the total of 50 years, on the other is total of 25 months. This is our speed and direction," he said.

"With minimum investment, tourism sector can prosper. Tourism also helps a cross-section of the society by creation of jobs. My government will work with the state government -- shoulder to shoulder for the betterment of Goa," Modi said.

"We will create the best infrastructure in Goa for the tourists as well as locals," he said as he promised to construct bridges and infrastructure worth Rs 1,000 crore that will help Goa attract more tourists. He also blamed the previous UPA government, saying, "In the 10-year rule (of UPA government) there were no funds for Goa for construction of even a bridge."

Source :Times Of Oman