President Moon Jae-in affirmed Tuesday that his government will fully implement the recommendation by a

President Moon Jae-in affirmed Tuesday that his government will fully implement the recommendation by a public debate commission regarding the fate of two unfinished nuclear reactors, noting the debate was never a matter of right or wrong.

"I believe the debate was a chance to create a new mechanism to solve social conflicts and issues, while further developing our democracy," the president said in a cabinet meeting held at the presidential office Cheong Wa Dae.

"Today's Cabinet meeting can be said to be the historic first step in making decisions on national issues based on the people's wishes," he added

The remarks came four days after the public debate commission recommended the government resume the construction of the two new nuclear reactors -- Shin Kori-5 and Shin Kori-6.

The construction of the two reactors was halted in July. The president had earlier pledged to scrap them entirely as part of his new energy policy, which seeks to build a nuclear energy-free nation.

Moon has said his goal of building such a nation would take decades, as he planned only to stop building new nuclear plants and shut down those that run out their operational life cycles.

Still, the commission's recommendation to finish building the two new reactors forced him to retreat from his earlier pledge to scrap them, apparently opening the president to attacks from the opposition parties, who already outnumber his ruling Democratic Party.

The president insisted the debate left no winners or losers, but only a social consensus that he earlier said would help further develop the country's deliberative democracy.

"The government must sincerely accept the people's wish and fully reflect the commission's recommendation while discussing its follow-up measures," he said, according to Cheong Wa Dae pool reports.

"Also, you must always keep in mind while discussing follow-up measures that the debate was not to decide a winner and loser or right and wrong but to promote unity and coexistence."

Source : Yonhap