More Americans now want a peaceful solution to the North Korean nuclear crisis than they did three months ago,

More Americans now want a peaceful solution to the North Korean nuclear crisis than they did three months ago, according to a new survey.

Tensions reached new levels this summer as North Korea fired two long-range missiles potentially capable of reaching the mainland U.S. and conducted its sixth and most powerful nuclear test.

In the NBC News-Survey Monkey poll conducted from Oct. 13-17, 64 percent of Americans said the U.S. should mostly use diplomacy to resolve the standoff, up 5 percentage points from July 10-14.

That comes as U.S. President Donald Trump has repeatedly threatened to use military action against the North.

Thirty-two percent of those polled favored military action, down 3 points from July.

Still, 54 percent cited North Korea as the biggest immediate threat to the U.S., up from 41 percent in July.

The survey was conducted on 5,047 adults nationwide and had a margin of error of 2 points.


Source : Yonhap