Mohamed Boussaid and Michel Sapin

Minister of Economy and Finance, Mohamed Boussaid, co-chaired, Tuesday in Paris, with his French counterpart, Michel Sapin, the first ministerial meeting of the “5+5 Dialogue Finance.”

The meeting was an opportunity to strengthen the dialogue between the countries of this group and to discuss several regional and global issues, including financial transparency and the need for all countries to comply with the rules and directives of the FATF (Financial Action Task Force) in order to effectively combat money laundering and the financing of terrorism, Boussaid told MAP after the meeting.

Participants also stressed the need for customs and tax cooperation to fight tax evasion, smuggling and all forms of trafficking and illegal trade, the minister added, noting that the meeting also tackled financial instruments to promote the green economy.

The meeting, he went on, was also an opportunity to highlight the outcome of the United Nations Conference on Climate (COP 22), held last November in Marrakech, and the initiatives taken by Morocco during this event, notably in terms of financing.

In this regard, Boussaid expressed the willingness of Morocco, under the leadership of HM King Mohammed VI, to contribute to efforts to preserve the environment.

He also highlighted the experience of Morocco in the field of fiscal modernization and customs administration, as well as the signing of double taxation and investment protection agreements with several countries.

Source :Morocco World News