A Pakistani news daily said on Tuesday that movement against capitalism is growing rapidly and the call for change has reverberated from every corner of the globe. ‘The Nation’ in its editorial said that people of developed countries are tired of economic injustices. “Spreading like wildfire, the movement first called, “Occupy Wall Street” has engulfed five continents of the world,” it said. The daily said that in the United States itself no less than two dozen states are witnessing rallies, which are getting larger by the day. “People in various world capitals – Tokyo, Beijing, Seoul, Hong Kong, Sydney, Cairo, Athens, Brussels, Rome, Madrid, London, Zurich, Geneva, Johannesburg – are pouring out into the streets to join the “Occupy Wall Street” protesters in their demands,” The Nation said. The newspaper opined that all street ‘occupiers’ see economic inequality between the rich and the poor. “It would be hard to dissociate the present economic plight of the American general public, facing cut-outs in their health and old age benefits, from the reckless adventures hurried into by their governments in the form of wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, that have, according to an estimate, cost three to four trillion dollars, triggering the country’s economic troubles,” the daily said. The Nation said indications are that the spreading call for change is unlikely to die down without making a dent in greed practiced in the name of free market.