National Accountability Bureau (NAB).

National Accountability Bureau (NAB) is determined to continue its endeavors to eliminate corruption from the society by pursuing zero tolerance policy against the corrupt, Chairman National Accountability Bureau (NAB) Justice Javed Iqbal said Wednesday.
Addressing a farewell ceremony in honour of Prosecutor General Accountability, NAB Waqas Qadeer Dar, he said NAB would adhere to file references in courts within 10 months period from receiving complaints to filing cases in the courts. He said he himself will be vigilant on progress of references in various courts, said a press release.
The current 76 percent conviction ratio of NAB references would be
improved by ensuring transparency, merit, presenting sufficient
evidence and flawless investigations to end white collar crimes. With
effective efforts corrupt would be sentenced in various courts
including high court, supreme court and accountability courts.
He said the cases of private housing societies, cooperative societies
were still in various courts for years. Government servants,
pensioners have been deprived of their life earnings despite receiving
money. Masses are deeply perturbed due to this fraud with them.
He directed NAB to conclude their cases as early as possible.
He directed officers to perform their duties in accordance with law.
He said the elimination of corruption is voice of the nation
who nation pinned hopes with NAB. Officers should perform their duties
with honesty, in accordance with law and without caring for any one.
NAB officers should present concrete evidence in courts, arguments in
relevant courts. So that the corrupt could be punished.
Chairman lauded the professional capabilities of Waqas Qadeer Dar.
Deputy Chairman NAB Imtiaz Tajwar was also present.

Source: APP