Washington - Yonhap
U.S. President Barack Obama said Thursday that North Koreans, who have long suffered repressive policies, have the same desire as people in the Middle East for freedom of speech and the right to decide their destiny on their own. When asked about the possibility of an Arab Spring-style popular uprising in the communist nation, however, Obama would not predict when its regime will collapse \"on itself.\" \"Although the path from dictatorship to democracy is always uncertain and fraught with danger, what we\'ve seen also is that human spirit eventually will defeat repressive governments,\" Obama said in a joint press conference with South Korean President Lee Myung-bak after their summit talks here. Obama pointed out that people everywhere -- whether in Korea, the United States, Libya or Africa -- have a desire to decide their own future, speak their minds and have freedom of religion. \"I don\'t think that the people of North Korea are any exception,\" he said.