US President Barrack Obama

US President Barrack Obama said diplomatic efforts have a role as important as military force in fighting terrorism.

During a meeting with US chiefs of missions around the world, Obama said “We've got to continue to keep our nation safe, especially from the threat of terrorism. And all of you have a role to play in that process. We're going to have to continue to strengthen our global coalition against ISIL, whether it's the air campaign, support for local partners, cutting off ISIL financing, preventing the flow of foreign terrorist fighters, working with partners to counter ISIL’s bankrupt, nihilistic ideology.”

“We're going to have to keep pushing on the diplomatic front, because that's the only way that the larger Syrian conflict will end, with a political transition and an inclusive Syrian government,” Obama said according to a transcript released by the White House.

“We're going to have to keep strengthening partnerships from West Africa -- as we saw again yesterday in Côte d’Ivoire -- to Afghanistan. These countries are battling terrorism; they need our help. And we're going to have to keep working with allies and partners to stabilize Libya and Yemen.”

“We're going to have to keep mobilizing the world to meet shared challenges. And that includes strengthening international rules and norms that undergird peace and security,” he said.
Source : MENA