Germans are to take to the street later on Saturday to whip up enthusiasm for a Wall Street-style protest occupation. Anti-capitalist demonstrators are to march in numerous German cities, including Berlin, Frankfurt, Munich, Cologne, Freiburg, Hamburg, Leipzig and Hanover, to protest what they claimed was corporate greed, social injustice and corporate power. The protesters say the rallies are geared at motivating \'99 percent of Germans\' to complain about the actions of the nation\'s wealthiest \'1 percent.\' The ongoing banking and financial crisis has created deep anxieties among Germans over their country\'s future. More than 15 percent of Germany\'s total population of 81.7 million people are facing imminent poverty, according to official figures.  Meanwhile, the number of German millionaires reached an all-time record high. According to the German Institute for Economic Research (DIW), the number of German millionaires stood at 430,000. Germany is ranked fifth in the international list of millionaires, while the US heads the millionaires\' ranking with 4.7 million people.