The Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) has condemned the suicide bombing attack during morning

The Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) has condemned the suicide bombing attack during morning prayer at a mosque in the village of Kouyapeby, Kolofeta District, far North of Cameroon by a suspected member of terrorist group, on 13th January 2016, leading to the death of at least thirteen 13 people including the bomber, and injuring scores of others.
Extending his condolence to the government of the Republic of Cameroon and the families of the victims of the attack, OIC Secretary General Iyad Ameen Madani expressed the solidarity of the OIC with regional coalitions fighting the deadly Boko Haram and with the resilient people in the area in facing terrorism. The Secretary General reiterated OIC’s firm position against terrorism in its entire ramification and restated his call for global efforts to defeat the scourge. 

Source: BNA