The Organisation of Islamic Cooperation, OIC, has rejected the Israeli Knesset’s law legalising settlement outposts.

The Islamic bloc in a statement said that the law represents a serious affront to the international community’s will and a blatant breach of international legitimacy resolutions, especially UN Security Council Resolution No. 2334, which condemns unlawful Israeli policies, and called for their immediate cessation.

OIC Secretary-General, Dr. Yousef Al-Othaimeen, said this measure speaks volumes about Israel’s persistent unilateral policies that aim to consecrate occupation and colonial settlement, undermine international political efforts and destroy any chances of a two-state solution.

The Secretary-General expressed his condemnation of the military escalation in the Gaza Strip, warning about the perils of the continued Israeli policy of aggression and settlement and its ramifications on the region. "Effective steps by the international community, and the UN Security Council in particular, are needed to enforce the council’s resolutions and put an end to Israel’s constant crimes and ongoing violations of international law," Dr. Al-Othaimeen stressed.