Doha - Qna
Omanis residing in Qatar today headed to polling centre at their embassy in Doha to elect their representatives in the Omani Shura Council for the period from 2012 to 2015. Competing for the Shura Council elections, which begins in the Sultanate on the 15th of October are 1133 candidates, including 77 women, while the number of registered voters on the electoral register totaled 513 thousand voters. Dozens of polling centres are distributed in the 61 states of the Sultanate where voters will elect their representatives for the council\'\'s 84 seats including the seat of the President. The voting process for Omanis residing in GCC states along with students and members of diplomatic missions, will begin today at their embassies in GCC states while voting in the Sultanate\'\'s states will start next Saturday. In Doha, Omanis, numbering between 6 and 7 thousands, including resident men and women, families and visitors, lined up since the early morning to cast their votes at the Omani Embassy in Doha which provided part of all facilities and took all the arrangements to ensure the success of the voting process and to enable all Omanis resident in Qatar to exercise their democratic right.